Buy Running on Empty No More and Get 4 Exclusive Free Gifts!
Transform Your Relationships with Your Partner,
Your Parents and Your Children
"I dedicate this book to everyone who has ever felt distant in their relationship with their parents, disconnected from their partner, or puzzled about their parenting. These relationships with the most important people in our lives are, in fact, the most difficult ones to navigate. It’s time to learn how identifying Emotional Neglect (and maybe talking about it too) can finally give you the deep and rich relationships you’ve always wanted and deserved. In this book, I will walk you through the process of changing your primary relationships in a vital and lasting way that will also change your life."

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To celebrate the release date of my new book, I'm giving you 4 amazing free gifts. Discover how to transform your relationships with your partner, your parents and your children.
How to Claim Your Free Gifts
Step 1: Order your copy of Running on Empty No More from your favorite book retailer (here are a few:)
Step 2: Enter your name, email, and order number below to receive your free gifts.
Step 3: Check your email for your 4 amazing free gifts! All free gifts will be emailed to you after your purchase is verified.
Order the Running on Empty No More Book & Receive These Free Gifts

Free Gift #1
The CEN Questionnaire
CEN is often subtle, invisible, and unmemorable, so how do you know if you have it?
This questionnaire will help you figure out if you have it.
You will also receive a series of educational emails to help you understand CEN and how to resolve it within yourself.
Free Gift #2
The CEN Referral List
Most therapists have heard the term "Emotional Neglect," but are not familiar with this groundbreaking way of understanding and treating CEN yet. So I have gathered the names of hundreds of licensed therapists all over the world who understand CEN and know how to help you with it.
Hopefully you can find a CEN therapist near you if you should need one. If there are none near you, many of the therapists on the list are willing to do Skype treatment.

Free Gift #3
Book Club for Running On Empty No More
You will gain access to the recordings of my live Book Club.
Each week for 4 weeks, we delved into a section in the book and I gave my personal insights into each section. And members asked me questions about how to apply what they were learning to their life.
You will get the opportunity to practice what you are learning through the weekly challenges I give you. And you’ll have an opportunity to reflect on what is working and what isn’t.
This gift will help you begin to take on many challenges that you have been facing your entire life because of CEN.
Free Gift #4
1st Chapter of the Book: Running on Empty No More
Since it may take a little time before you receive your copy of the book, when you buy the book, I will give you the Introduction and the first chapter electronically, so you can get started on it right away!
In the Introduction, you will learn not only my reasons for writing Running on Empty No More, but also the many questions this book will answer for you about CEN.
In the first chapter, you will meet Marcel and May. They are an example of a marriage in which one partner has CEN, and the other doesn't.

This Book will help you get the
Relationships You've Always Wanted
CEN happens when parents fail to respond enough to their child’s emotional needs. Millions of people are living with its effects, unaware of the answers to why they feel disconnected, unfulfilled, empty, and alone.
In this book, I take the CEN concept beyond the self-healing of the first book, and apply the tools to the effects that CEN has on marriages, parenting, and relationships with emotionally neglectful parents.
Sometimes, talking directly about CEN with your partner, parents, or children can be remarkably healing, and this book covers exactly how to do it.
Viewing yourself and your relationships through the powerful lens of CEN will open doors that you never knew existed.
This Book Will Help You Answer These Questions...
Book Endorsements

"Jonice Webb opens doors to richer, more connected relationships by naming the elephant in the room “Childhood Emotional Neglect” and offering readers clear guidance and support to talk with their loved ones on a new and deeper level. This book will speak to many."
--Harville Hendrix, Ph. D. and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph. D.

"Filled with examples of well-meaning people struggling in their relationships, Jonice Webb not only illustrates what’s missing between adults and their parents, husbands and their wives, and parents and their children; she also explains exactly what to do about it."
--Terry Real

"Dr. Jonice Webb describes the almost indescribable in a way you can understand. Childhood emotional neglect can cause trauma and long-lasting devastating effects on emotional development and relationships. Embrace it now. In Dr. Webb’s book, Running on Empty No More, you will find practical solutions for everyday life to heal yourself and your relationships. This is a terrific new resource that I will be recommending to many clients now and in the future!"
--Dr. Karyl McBride

"In Dr. Jonice Webb’s second book, Running on Empty No More, she turns the powerful lens of Childhood Emotional Neglect from healing the individual to strengthening and deepening the most important relationships in our lives. She answers questions like: How can parents change their interactions with their children to provide them with the emotional validation they need in order to grow into healthy, strong adults? Can relationships with emotionally neglectful parents be healed? How do you reach out to an emotionally neglectful partner or spouse? By combining riveting, personal vignettes with clear, practical exercises and touches of humor, Running on Empty No More answers all of these questions in a way that will validate and motivate readers."
--Randi Kreger

"Jonice Webb has hit another home run with her book, Running on Empty No More. A well-organized and comprehensive book about the practical side of Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN), Dr. Webb’s work is especially poignant because the material is fresh and relevant, the explanations are clearly articulated, and her writing style is refreshingly down-to-earth and accessible. Clinicians like myself as well as the lay reader will find this book to be a necessary companion to her break-through bestseller, Running on Empty, which introduced a topic that needed to see the light of day. As an amorphous but wide-spread condition, readers of her first book will applaud Dr. Webb’s use of illustrative case examples, step by step instructions, practical exercises and skill building worksheets. I will be recommending this book to my clients, and to those who want to understand that CEN is not curse, but a legitimate psychological condition which a person can overcome."
--Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC

"Dr. Webb's first book, Running on Empty, was a paradigm-changer. In Running on Empty No More, which is helpful for laypeople and clinicians alike, she expands on the idea of Childhood Emotional Neglect and provides readers with concrete ways to change their interactions with the people most important to them. Written in easy-to-understand but descriptive language, with lots of examples, Dr. Webb helps readers learn how to create healthier, more expressive, and more fulfilling relationships with the central people in their lives."
-- Samantha Rodman, PhD, LLC