You Can Heal Your Own CEN

While also learning, on a deep and meaningful level, how to walk your CEN clients through the 5 steps of recovery…

Fuel Up For Life is designed to help you reconnect with your feelings and use them the way they were meant to be used. As a therapist, you will also learn this cutting edge theory and how to maximally implement it in your clinical practice.

Recovering From Childhood Emotional Neglect

Hi, I'm Dr. Jonice Webb,

I’ve been a licensed psychologist for over 20 years. And I’d like to talk with you about a powerful treatment technique that, for many therapists, also helps them heal themselves.

In 2010, I began to notice a pattern of symptoms among my patients, and I became intensely curious about what was causing it. It was often voiced by clients who seemed to have little in common with each other. Many claimed to have had a good childhood, and reported little history of trauma, abuse, or active mistreatment by their parents.

Over time, it became clear to me that the one experience these clients all had in common was this:

Their parents had failed to respond to their emotional needs enough as they raised them.

I realized that this seemingly small, often invisible and unmemorable childhood experience was actually far more powerful than I had ever thought possible. After talking with colleagues and doing a major search of the APA’s databases, I realized that other mental health professionals, including therapists, were under-noticing and under-attending to this problem with their clients. And that even when they noticed it, they struggled to find the words to talk about it in a way that would resonate with their patients.

Do you have clients who say they feel alone in the world? That nobody is really there for them? Maybe they are really independent and pride themselves on not needing help, but deep down, are afraid of depending on anyone (including you, their therapist) because it might make them look or feel weak?

Do those clients believe they should be happier? And feel that they lack some important ingredient in their lives?

In my experience, these clients also say that they feel empty, alone, or unfulfilled deep down. Like they have a barrier blocking them from everyone else, or as if they are living their lives on the outside looking in?

I have found this pattern of struggles in person after person, both inside and outside of my office. It’s a pattern that no one talks about. In fact, it’s so invisible that there has been no universal term to name it or describe it, until now.

Once I saw this pattern and realized its importance, I gave it a name.

I named it after its cause: Childhood Emotional Neglect.

And I want to help you become aware of what it is, how to identify it in yourself and your clients. And, most importantly of all, how to heal it.

Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN):

A parent's failure to respond enough to the child's emotional needs.

Even the best and most loving parents can fail their children in this way. Many are simply raising their children the way they were raised themselves, unaware that they are failing to provide a crucial ingredient to their growing child. This is part of what makes CEN so invisible.

But the message that you get as a child is: Your Feelings Don't Matter.

And since our emotions are the most deeply personal, biological part of who we are, we hear this message as, You don’t matter.” 

So, you adapt to keep your parents happy, and you push your feelings down and away, so that they won’t bother anyone.

That strategy works well for you as a child, but as an adult, you start to notice that you feel numb or empty. You have a hard time relating to other people and expressing yourself. You may have difficulty knowing what you want or what you need or what you feel. You may even feel ashamed for having feelings and needs, and get angry at your own mistakes, or for simply being human.

Over recent years, as I have been writing, speaking and teaching therapists and laypeople about Childhood Emotional Neglect, I have realized that many therapists are struggling with CEN in their own lives. In fact, CEN is at the heart of many therapists’ career decisions.

When you grow up with your emotions un-validated, especially of you are a sensitive type of child, you naturally are confused about what’s wrong. You want answers. Becoming a mental health professional, for many of us, is an attempt to make sense of our own walled-off emotions, and a way to try to understand, through training and research, an answer to the question, “Why do I feel this way?”

How Do You Know if You Have CEN?

  • You take pride on not relying on others and have trouble asking for help.
  • Your friends and family tell you that you are aloof or distant.
  • You judge yourself more harshly than you judge others.
  • You secretly feel like there is something wrong with you.
  • You have trouble knowing what you are feeling.
  • Sometimes you feel like you don’t belong when with your family or friends.
  • You often just want to be left alone
  • You find it easier to love animals than people

All of these are signs and symptoms of CEN.

If you feel that you have CEN, I want to mention the good news.

CEN is not a disease or a mental illness.

It’s really only a natural response to something vital that was missing in your childhood.

CEN doesn’t have to hang, like a dark cloud, over life any more. It is very treatable and you can overcome it. And when you do, you will also learn a very effective way to help your clients heal. As you read about the details of the Fuel Up For Life Program, please keep in mind that as you do this deep work on yourself and your own emotions, you will be also be learning an invaluable process of identifying and treating Childhood Emotional Neglect in your clients.

Emotional Neglect Questionnaire image

Fuel Up for Life

4 Steps to Recover From CEN

Module 1: Why You Are Running on Empty

We start here because it’s important for you to know exactly how your CEN developed, how YOU feel about it, and how it’s affecting you personally as an adult.

I always receive a lot of questions about how not being emotionally validated in childhood can lead to the emptiness, disconnection, and lack of fulfillment that you’ve been experiencing all these years. I understand how hard it is to realize and accept the connection between such a seemingly innocuous childhood experience, and such a powerful, damaging effect in adulthood.

In this module, I’ll walk you through exactly how the cause and effect are linked, specifically what went on inside of you as a child, and what’s happening for you now as an adult.

I’ll help you see how your CEN is the root cause of other issues in your life, such as perhaps lack of confidence, low self-esteem, social anxiety, self-directed anger, or depression.

We’ll get you started on learning and thinking about your feelings, increasing your feelings vocabulary, and tuning into your emotions.

By the end of this module, you’ll be more in touch with your CEN, and you’ll understand that what you’re struggling with is not your fault. This will free you up to stop blaming yourself and start attacking the problem.

“When I’m able to present this idea to clients, it brings in a lot of relief. They say ‘Wow! That’s
what’s been going on all these years. I didn’t know there was such a thing!’"

Module 2: Visualize Your Wall

If you answer yes to some of these statements, then you may have CEN.

If you have CEN, I want you to know that there is good news.

CEN is not a disease or a mental illness.

It’s really only a natural response to something vital that was missing in your childhood.

CEN doesn’t have to hang, like a dark cloud, over life any more. CEN is very treatable and you can overcome it yourself.

Once you understand what has really been happening inside of you and why you feel so different from everyone else, you will gain the ability to work through those issues and heal.

First comes awareness. Then you can heal. And I’ll show you how.

“I use the emotional wall with clients quite a bit and I think that’s been really helpful for them
to understand what stands in the way between them being able to access their emotions and
their authentic, emotional selves.”

Module 3: Break Through Your Wall

Now that you own and see your wall, I’ll teach you a new skill that you should use as often as you can. It takes a chip out of that wall every time you do it, whether you succeed or not.

I’ll get you started with focusing inward more, paying attention to your feelings and monitoring your emotions as you go through your day.

I’ll tell you about the possible pitfalls that can come up when you start to break your wall down, and I’ll tell you about how that worked for one of my patients.

I’ll teach you a special skill for sitting with and riding out a difficult emotion. It’s a formula for processing an emotion that really works, and I’ll give you an example of a real person using it.

I’ll give you an Emotion Cheat Sheet to keep on your phone so you can use it any time that you have a feeling that is painful or difficult.

We’ll start applying your new access to emotion and your new skills to your everyday life.

Two things will begin to happen here when you are practicing these skills regularly and persistently over time: the people in your life will start to notice a difference in you. You’ll seem more responsive, connected, and warm to them, and they may even be a little surprised by it. You’ll also notice that you’ll feel different.

You’ll be able to start using your new emotion processing skills to manage the natural feelings that will be popping up for you in your real life.

“What I’ve realized the most after taking the program is recognizing the degree to which people
don’t have names for their emotions. Even though this is a concept that you’re very aware of as
a therapist, I don’t think I appreciated quite how severe it was in some of my patients. So I now
give the list of emotion words to the majority of my patients.”

Module 4: Validate Yourself 3 Ways

First, I’ll teach you some very important general rules about how emotions work. These are facts about emotions that you missed learning in your CEN childhood home. Knowing these facts will make your emotions less scary, and this process less daunting.

We’ll talk about what validity and validation mean to you, and how you can go through your entire life not feeling valid, without ever realizing it.

I’ll give you an example of someone who was afraid that valid = selfish, a common fear for CEN folks.

I’ll explain three ways for you to build your validity: by treating your needs and emotions as valid; by knowing yourself better; and by self-care.

We’ll talk about the important relationship between validation and self-care.  I’ll help you identify which areas of self-care are your biggest blind spots. Then I’ll give you the tools and the process to fix those blind spots.

This module is designed to drive home your realization that you are valid, and you matter. Our goal is that you genuinely feel and believe that your needs and feelings matter, and that you are worth the effort of care.

“The language and the ability to talk to my patients about the concept – that it’s not something
that happened… it’s something that didn’t happen. Giving them that language to describe why
they feel the way they do when they feel their childhood was so wonderful and nothing ever
happened to them. So just having that language to talk about it has been impactful.”

Module 5: Deepening Your Relationships

First we’ll talk about how CEN has affected your relationships with the people in your life, and prevented you from forming new, healthy ones.

I’ll help you choose one person to start taking risks with, and set you up with a structure to do it.

I know you’ll be afraid to change. You’ll be worried that you’ll receive negative reactions when you start to assert yourself and show your feelings more. I’ll give you some stock phrases to use to help the people around you react less, and understand what’s going on when you behave differently.

I’ll tell you about a patient who started saying “no” to her family, who always KNEW that she’d say “yes,” and how that worked out for her.

I’ll explain that there is a way to ease the process of becoming more assertive with people who don’t expect it, and how to do it.

We’ll talk about applying all of your new skills and new motivation to take risks to your current relationships, and how to move forward with it.

I’ll give you some simple phrases to make a conscious effort to use more often. These phrases will help you take up more space, assert yourself, and get your needs met a lot more often.

As you continue to work on this module, you’ll notice your relationships becoming more balanced. You’ll start to feel closer to people. You may weed out some people who are bad for you, and you’ll begin to feel more grounded, more supported, and more connected in your life.

“The most miraculous part of CEN are the moments when you are looking across to your client
and his or her face softens or changes. And they have that moment of insight where it’s met
with this idea and it connects to their soul and their history. It seems like that’s where the
healing begins. When they realize: ‘Wow! That’s what’s been going on with me all these years!’
When they can identify with it and you see this uptick in energy… it’s pretty miraculous!“

Your Life After the Program

Once you’ve worked through the five modules of the program, you will have a good start on making some significant changes, not just in your life, but in yourself. If you do the work going forward, dedicated and persistent, your life will change.

  • You will finally know that what you always thought was a flaw that you needed to keep hidden from everyone else, is actually not a flaw, but a necessary defense mechanism that helped you throughout your childhood.
  • You will have broken through the wall that blocks you off from your feelings, and other people, and the world.
  • You’ll be beginning to feel your feelings. You’ll feel closer to the people who care about you, and they to you.
  • Those around you will notice that you’re different: more connected, more of the person they always knew you were.
  • You’ll know yourself better: what you want, what you need, what you feel, what you like and dislike.
  • You’ll be treating your own needs and feelings as just as important as everyone else’s. You’ll be speaking up more, asking for your needs more.
  • And guess what happens from all of that: you’ll be getting what you want more often.
  • Best of all: that empty space that you’re living with right now will be filled. Filled with emotion, people, and connections; struggles, yes; but also joys.
  • You’ll finally be living life the way you were meant to live it.

So you might be wondering: 
How does this all work? How are you going to help me...

  • Understand Why I'm Running on Empty
  • Visualize My Wall
  • Break Through My Wall
  • Validate Myself 3 Ways
  • And Deepen My Relationships

So that I can become the connected, fulfilled person I was meant to be?

Here's my answer...

I’ve designed my Fuel Up for Life program to give you everything you need to recover from CEN. I’ll be able to take you by the hand, and walk you step by step through the process of recovery, at your pace.

As you can see, this training goes deep, spending a week with each step so that you can fully understand how to set yourself up for success and start to notice differences in yourself and your life as you go along.

Here are the specifics on how we are going to do this:

You’ll be sent an invitation to join our exclusive online forum, here’s where we will post the weekly videos, transcripts, copy of the slides and detailed worksheets to help you turn the information you are learning into action.

Every week for 5 weeks you will be given the materials for the 5 modules. I’ll provide you with the worksheets and videos to start making real changes.

I’ll walk you through exercises that will help you find what’s missing in your life, and change yourself and your life forever.  I’ll teach you the skills, and give you the tools that you’ll need going forward.

And you will have the opportunity to go through the material at your own pace on your own time to accommodate your busy schedule.

You’ll also be sent an invitation to join me live for a bi-weekly Q&A support call where you can ask me questions about how to apply all of this to your personal situation.

The call will not be psychotherapy, however.

I won’t be able to give you personal advice, but I can answer your questions about CEN and how to apply the program in your situation.

The Q&A Support Calls are scheduled for Wednesday evenings, at 5:30 p.m. EST.

And, if you can’t make the Q&A Support calls, don’t worry. You can send me questions and I’ll bring them up during the call. A recording of each call will be available on the member’s area for you to listen to whenever it’s convenient for you.

And you will get access to my Fuel Up for Life Online Support Community. In my opinion, it is this community that really makes this program work. It’s powerful because the people are really engaged, really supportive. This community isn’t just where you will find me and other fellow participants going through the program with you, there will also be people who have graduated from the program and are there to help and support you as you go through it as well.

In this community you are going to post your celebrations, you are going to post your challenges, your struggles and your questions about working with CEN. I promise you, you will meet life-long friends in this community. It is the most valuable online experience I have ever been a part of.

In addition to this online support community, I will also offer a way for those who want to go deeper with support to connect with 3 other members of the community to create what I call a mastermind. The 4 of you will have the opportunity to meet once a week or every other week to help each other through the CEN related situations you are facing and give each other support and a sense of validation for the changes you are making in your life. This is a very powerful experience that can become a game changer for you.

For some, this course is approved for 12 CE credits
Click here for more information

*Graduates of the Fuel Up for Life course will be featured as a referral source on our website for people seeking a CEN therapist in their area. This serves as a great marketing tool for therapists as well as a networking resource for one another.

Now right about now you might be thinking 5 weeks is not enough time. I’m not going to recover from CEN in just 5 weeks.

And you are right. It doesn’t happen overnight. You will have to change the way you relate to yourself and to others. It is a lifelong process. If you want to work through your CEN once and for all, you’ve got to stay engaged. So I just want to promise you that when the program ends, it doesn’t actually end. You will continue to have access to all the modules, you will continue to be supported by the online community and you can continue to come to my Q&A calls every other week.

So as you continue to grow and change and encounter new situations, you will continue to have the support you need to recover from CEN.

“If you plan on working with CEN clients, then it’s wise to take this program. The course
provides a great depth of understanding and a way to work with CEN clients that you can’t get
from Dr. Webb’s book or website. This is not the kind of course that is purely psycho-
educational. It’s very experiential too.”

Your Life After the Program

I also want to give you further support as you embark on the journey of recovering from your CEN. My goal is to give you everything you need to get a good start, and keep improving and working more and more going forward.

So that’s why I’ve also included these special bonuses.

Bonus #1:

How to Deal With Your CEN Parents

One of the hardest parts of healing from CEN is interacting with your parents.

You may be irritable with them, angry at them, or have difficulty being in their presence. I’ll walk you through the normal feelings you may be having. I’ll help you sort through what type of parents you have, and how you can interact with them with your new understanding. I’ll help you answer one of the most common questions I get from people: Do I talk to my parents about CEN?

Bonus #2:

Emotionally Attuned Parenting

CEN passes invisibly from one generation to the next.

Now that you know about your CEN and are dealing with it, you’re in an excellent position to make sure that you don’t pass yours down. I’ll give you some practical tips on how to make sure that you respond to and validate your children’s feelings. Just in case you’re feeling guilty about your parenting, we’ll talk about that too. Because in this situation, guilt is not helpful to either you or your children. And none of this is your fault.

Bonus #3:

How to Deal With Emotional Neglect in Your Marriage

If one or both partners in a couple have CEN, it is exceptionally difficult.

Marriage is a very emotional part of life, and when you have CEN, your emotional skills may not be quite up for the challenge. I’ll give you some tips on how to bring emotions into your marriage, use them and deal with them.

Bonus #4:

CEN Recovery For the Emotionally or Physically Abused

When you grow up with emotional neglect mixed with abuse of any kind, there are extra complicating factors. Your CEN is typically buried even deeper, beneath the more visible, memorable impact of having been called names, demeaned, hit or threatened as a child.

Many people make great progress in dealing with their childhood abuse, but find themselves still sitting with the disconnected, flawed, empty feelings from CEN. In this bonus, I’ll help you sort out how to apply this recovery program to your special situation.

Bonus #5:

Video for your Friends and Family about Recovering from CEN

Recovering from CEN can be difficult if your loved ones don't understand what you are going through.

I have created this video specifically for friends and family so that they can understand what CEN is and what it takes to recover from it. This way they can help you through the process of recovering.

I include these bonuses because I want to make sure that you have not only the tools to recover, but also as much extra help and support in applying all of your new skills and changes to your everyday life going forward.

So to recap...

Here's what you're going to get:

  • Access to the online forum with all the weekly videos, transcripts, PowerPoint slides, and detailed worksheets.
  • Live for a bi-weekly Q & A calls where you can ask me questions about how to apply all of this to your personal situation. (You can stay anonymous if you wish)
  • Exclusive access to a private forum of your peers who are going through the same journey with the opportunity of creating a small mastermind group for deeper support. (You can stay anonymous if you wish)
  • Immediate access to the first module so that you can get started right away.
  • A deep understanding of how to identify and treat CEN in your practice
  • Potential for 12 Continuing Education Credits (by taking a separate test)
  • Featured as a CEN Therapist referral source
  • Bonus #1: How to Deal With Your CEN Parents
  • Bonus #2: Emotionally Attuned Parenting
  • Bonus #3: How to Deal With Emotional Neglect in Your Marriage
  • Bonus #4: CEN Recovery For the Emotionally or Physically Abused
  • Bonus #5: Video for your Friends and Family about Recovering from CEN

So now you’re probably wondering,
“What’s this going to cost me?”

I have taken years of clinical practice and experience to put this program together. It’s based on what has worked for my patients in the past. I have taken all of that knowledge and I have created an online CEN recovery program specifically for the public that can be done on your own, or with the help of a therapist.

In the best of all worlds, I would have each and every one of you come to my office so that I could go on this journey with you in person. But of course that’s not a realistic possibility. I’ve also considered offering Skype consultations, and I’ve received many requests for it from people who live far away and can’t get to my office in Boston. But unfortunately I don’t feel comfortable doing that because of recommendations and professional guidelines of the Massachusetts Board of Psychology.

Hundreds of folks have contacted me for advice about how they can work directly on CEN with their current therapist. All of these things together made me realize that I need to make CEN recovery more accessible to people who don’t live in New England, or who want to keep their current therapist.

I developed this program so that I can offer everything I’ve learned to all of the people who can benefit from it. I want to make this help available to all of the CEN folks out there who are quietly confused, and wondering what’s wrong with them.

No, it’s not the same as one-on-one therapy. Nothing really compares to that. But I’ve put so much into this program that, together with the calls and the online support community and small group masterminds, I feel it offers a high quality alternative when in-person therapy isn’t an option, or as a CEN adjunct to your current therapy.

I also wanted to make this program affordable. For individual therapy for CEN, my patients typically see me an average of 20-30 times at a rate of $300 per session. Well, that quickly adds up to $6,000 - $9000.

Of course, individual therapy is an investment of time and money which I believe is very worth it. The folks that I help with CEN typically walk away with many tools to change their lives, and with a different feeling about themselves and the world.

However, I know that most people would not be able to afford the $4,000 that it takes to work with me one-on-one. I’ve put together a program that is giving you the same exact strategies and techniques to recover that I do with my private patients, and you will be able to ask me questions about CEN every other week in the Q&A calls.

So no, this is not personal, individual therapy in my office, but the good news is that it also costs far less, and you can have everything I’ve learned about CEN recovery in the comfort and convenience of your own home, to work through at your own pace, plus the ability to ask me questions as you go along.

So I have made this program available for $1,497.

And to make it even more accessible, you can access the program for 6 payments of $279 each. For that investment, you will receive the full benefit of everything I’ve learned, and the structure to work on your CEN recovery at your own pace, without having to travel to Massachusetts.

Don’t want to take the program to heal your own CEN?

I also realize that as a therapist, you may not be interested in taking the course for yourself - you are more interested in learning how to help your clients recover from their CEN.

If this sounds like you, then you may want to take my Fuel Up For Life program without the built in support.

I can offer the program to you without access to the private forum or live bi-weekly Q&A calls for $1,297.

Or you can access the “lite” version of the program for 6 payments of $227 each. For that investment you will receive everything I mentioned above except for access to the private forum or live bi-weekly Q&A calls.

Here's the great news... Registering for Fuel Up for Life Program is Risk Free:

You're also protected by my
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I also want you to know that I am fully committed to helping you recover from CEN. So much so that I am offering a 30-day money back guarantee. If you invest in the program today and do the work and you aren’t seeing the results you want, just email me and I will give you your money back. I believe that deeply that this program will help you connect with yourself and your loved ones.

Ready to Reserve Your Spot?

Yes, I'm Ready to Recover from Childhood Emotional Neglect!

I understand I'm going to get lifetime online access to the Fuel Up for Life program where I'll learn how to Recover from Childhood Emotional Neglect. I will also learn how to help my CEN clients heal in a deep way. And I will receive exclusive access to a private forum of my peers who are going through the same journey with the opportunity of creating a small mastermind group for deeper support. And I’m excited to be invited to live Q&A Support calls where you will answer my questions each step of the way.

Plus, I'll be eligible for:

In some states and professions, 12 Continuing Education Credits (by taking a separate test)

Featured as a CEN Therapist referral source

Plus, I'll get these bonuses:

1. How to Deal With Your CEN Parents
2. Emotionally Attuned Parenting
3. How to Deal With Emotional Neglect in Your Marriage
4. CEN Recovery For the Emotionally or Physically Abused
5. Video for your Friends and Family about Recovering from CEN

And I know I'm protected by your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Get Started for $279
Plus 5 Easy Installments of $279

- OR -

Pay in Full for $1497
(Save an additional $177)

(Payments will be Processed in 30 Day Increments.)

Rest easy – your order will be processed on secure servers.

FUFL for Therapists

Yes, I'm Ready to Help My Clients Recover from Childhood Emotional Neglect!

I understand I'm going to get lifetime online access to the Fuel Up for Life program where I'll learn how to help my clients Recover from Childhood Emotional Neglect.


  • Exclusive access to a private forum
  • Bi-weekly live Q&A Support calls
  • Access to a weekly mastermind group

Plus, I may be eligible for:

12 Continuing Education Credits (by taking a separate test)

Featured as a CEN Therapist referral source

Plus, I'll get these bonuses:

1. How to Deal With Your CEN Parents
2. Emotionally Attuned Parenting
3. How to Deal With Emotional Neglect in Your Marriage
4. CEN Recovery For the Emotionally or Physically Abused
5. Video for your Friends and Family about Recovering from CEN

And I know I'm protected by your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Get Started for $247
Plus 5 Easy Installments of $247

- OR -

Pay in Full for $1297
(Save an additional $185)

(Payments will be Processed in 30 Day Increments.)

Rest easy – your order will be processed on secure servers.

Still Have Some Questions Before You Reserve Your Spot?

1) How is the program different from your book “Running on Empty”?

The book, Running on Empty, was my first effort to reach people with CEN. My goal when I wrote it was to get the concept out there, and help as many folks as possible see that this is what’s been dogging them for their entire lives.

It is an excellent introduction to the CEN concept. It outlines the recovery process, and has most of the Change Sheets in it. It also has lots of examples of CEN happening to a child which would be helpful for you to read.

The book is actually part of the reason I created this online recovery program. Readers’ feedback was that the recovery chapters in the book made sense and were helpful, but were difficult to carry through and do with enough depth by a person on her own.

So I think that the paperback is a useful supplement to the program, but it’s the program that will give you the support and the space to truly make your transformation.

As one participant said: “The book is a great introduction, but the program is the game-changer.”

2) I have felt empty and alone for so long that I don’t see how anything could help. Why would this program work for me?

The key word in this question is “felt.” CEN makes you feel empty and alone, when in fact you are neither. I have yet to meet a CEN person who actually didn’t have any feelings. They are there, waiting for you find them. And so are the people who care about you.

The only way to correct CEN is to target it directly, and that’s exactly what this program is designed to do.

I’m so sure that you’ll feel significant progress by the end of the program that I’m offering to return your investment if you’re not feeling more connected and alive.

3) I don’t like how I am, but I’m afraid of changing. What if I can’t handle being different? What if I don’t like feeling different?

That’s a completely normal concern. Everyone is afraid to change. I may push you, but at your own pace. Real change with depth, which is the purpose of this program, does not happen in a flash. It happens gradually, and you have time to adjust.

Yes, some work is required. But I’ll be there with you, answering your questions along the way, and the best part is: so will a lot of other people who feel exactly like you.

You’ll discover that you’re not flawed or ill or different. You’re in the good company of many good people who will be doing the work alongside you.

4) I’m already seeing a therapist. Should I try to work with my therapist on this or use your program?

This is a great question. And my answer is this: talk to your therapist about it. Is he or she willing to learn the full concept of CEN and how to help you through the targeted four-step recovery process? If so, then I suggest you take that option.

Many therapists will be very interested and able to help you. But not all therapists will be motivated to follow this specific process, especially if it doesn’t fit with their style or theoretical approach to treatment. If this is the case for you, then you can use this program as a supplement to your therapy.

5) On some level I know that my parents emotionally neglected me, but that idea makes me feel so guilty that I just can’t accept it. Isn’t it possible that all that’s wrong is actually my fault?

This is a question I get a lot. The answer is… Of course not.

No child asks for emotional neglect. Distancing, refusing to talk, and being unpleasant and difficult are all things that kids and teens do to separate. It may be that your parents loved you, but just didn’t know what to do. CEN is not always someone’s fault.

I suggest that you stop worrying about fault and guilt, and just accept what is: your emotions were not validated enough as a child, and it’s had a profound effect on you to this very day. But now it’s your time. Now you can heal.

6) I’m a busy person. I don’t have much time. What if I start this program, and then don't have the time or energy to put into it?

Not having the time and energy is the hallmark of the CEN person. You have it for others. Just not for yourself. But at some point you will have to make a decision: Do you want to feel more fulfilled, grounded and connected? If you’re not ready yet to want that, then in truth, you’re not ready for this program.

But if you want to feel those things, if you want to change your life for the better, then you will finally make yourself the priority that you deserve to be. You will find the time and the energy, and I’ll help you.

It all boils down to this one core belief that we must all accept: You Are Worth It.

About Dr. Webb

Dr. Webb has been a licensed psychologist since 1991, and has worked in a variety of different settings over the course of her career, including a psychiatric emergency service and substance abuse programs. She has been the Director of several large outpatient clinics. For the past eight years, she has been enjoying her private practice in Lexington, Massachusetts, specializing in the treatment of couples and families.

Over two decades of practicing psychology, Dr. Webb gradually started to see a factor from childhood which weighs upon people as adults. This factor is extremely subtle. In fact, it’s so difficult to see that it goes virtually unnoticed while it quietly saps a person’s joy in life, causing him or her to struggle with self-discipline, or to feel disconnected and unfulfilled. Dr. Webb gave a name to this invisible factor from childhood. She calls it Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN).™

"As I became aware of the power and pervasiveness of Emotional Neglect, I felt compelled to draw awareness to it. My goal is to bring this unseen force from childhood out of the darkness and into the light. To make people aware of it and it’s effects upon them. To give them the words to talk about it and the tools to fix it."

©2020 Dr. Jonice Webb

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