Childhood Emotional Neglect is often subtle, invisible and unmemorable.
Because it’s not something a parent does to a child.
It’s something the parent fails to do for the child.
Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN):
A parent’s failure to respond enough to the child’s emotional needs.
It’s a parent’s failure to notice, respond to and validate a child’s feelings.
Notice that nothing traumatic has to happen… nothing dramatic has to happen.
The parent fails to notice… fails to ask… fails to name the child’s feelings.
That’s all it takes.
This subtle form of CEN has been overlooked in a very big way.
And by the time a person with CEN has become a client, it can be difficult to get through to them and help them.
Because they are so disconnected they have a very hard time identifying their emotions. They tend to value the opinions others have of them much more than their own. And it’s challenging for them to put themselves first, unable to let go of self-criticism and belief that they are damaged goods.
Some of them have such a shell around them, it’s hard to crack.
And quite often they don’t recognize themselves as suffering from CEN.
This can make therapy difficult…
They believe they should be “fine” because they had a roof over their head and their parents didn’t abuse them - downplaying CEN and its consequences as if only severe physical or sexual abuse counts.
Or they can’t accept that CEN has occurred without it being “damning” of their parents. Maybe they feel too much conflict between their anger towards their parents and their loyalty and love for their parents…
So they get overwhelmed and leave therapy when you can see that they are not ready…
And even if they do acknowledge their CEN, it’s hard to keep them long enough to help them through the process of healing….

Helping them overcome their fear of accessing and feeling their emotions and helping them through the “messy” process of learning how to express them…
Seeing the amount of work or time it may take, they can get discouraged and leave too soon.
It can be hard to help them stay motivated to change beyond the initial symptom relief.
That’s why I created…
Treating Childhood Emotional Neglect: An Overview
This 2-hour online training course will help you make the concept of Childhood Emotional Neglect understandable and nameable for your clients.
In this training you’ll discover how to:
- Identify CEN in your clients and help them name the one thing they have felt was wrong with them their entire lives.
- Help your clients see the particular ways in which their parents failed to emotionally validate them (in a way that is free from blame).
- Guide your clients through the 5 Stages of CEN Recovery, including breaking through the wall that blocks off their emotions, and identifying and feeling their feelings.
- Help them put themselves first, even if they have low self-worth and difficulty connecting with their emotions.
- Help them remain motivated to heal beyond initial symptom relief.

The goal of CEN Therapy is to help clients value their own feelings, learn how to listen to them and use them, genuinely feel and believe that their needs and feelings matter, and accept that they are worth the effort of care. This gives them the ability to balance their relationships and feel closer to their loved ones, feeling more grounded, supported and connected in their own lives.
Do you have clients that:
- Appear high functioning from the outside but they have a vague feeling of dissatisfaction or disconnection on the inside?
- Are thoughtful, but not emotional or insightful?
- Are depressed?
- Have a hard time accessing or talking about their feelings?
- Have a presenting problem, but you feel something more is wrong deep down inside?
- Claim to have had a great childhood yet they are struggling as an adult?
- Feel hard to reach or are well defended? Maybe you even feel bored when you sit with them because you can’t connect?
- Are anxious?
- Want to stop treatment as soon as they get a bit of relief from the initial symptom?
- Have been to therapy before, claiming it helped, but didn’t fully address what was wrong with them?
- Are highly self-critical?
- Are out of touch with their own wants and needs?
These are all signs that you are working with a CEN client.
After practicing psychology for over 20 years and as the bestselling author of the first 2 books on the subject of CEN, I’ve found that those are the most common problems that CEN clients present in therapy.
After taking this training…
You will be able to offer answers to many of your clients who have suffered their entire adult lives looking back on a childhood, thinking “nothing went wrong, I had a fine childhood. I don’t know what’s wrong with me” and blaming themselves for their problems.
You’ll be able to help them take the blame and the weight of guilt off of them for being “flawed” and give them answers.
You will have a shared vocabulary to talk with your clients about what didn’t happen in their childhood.
And you’ll be able to make the concept of childhood emotional neglect understandable and nameable for your clients, especially if they are parents and worried about passing CEN on to their children.
Treating Childhood Emotional Neglect: An Overview
This training will help you view Childhood Emotional Neglect through a fresh lens.
In this training we will cover:
- How to identify CEN in your clients even if they can’t recall it.
- The 5 stages of CEN treatment and how to apply it in your practice.
- How treating CEN allows you to target the roots of many disorders, diagnoses and presenting problems such as depression and anxiety.
CEN is the Root Cause of Many Disorders

I have observed that CEN is the root cause of many presenting problems such as depression and anxiety.
As we all know, people with CEN are not in touch with their feelings. In fact, they are walled off from their feelings and those feelings get pooled up on the other side of their wall – un-felt, un-managed, un-processed, un-worked-through, and even un-named. And those feelings turn into a soup of emotion that drives them.
I have seen that if those feelings are more of sadness or anger, they are more likely to become depressed. If they have to do with fear, then they are more likely to become anxious.
Helping your clients access those feelings on the other side of the wall – to name them and feel them – you are taking that pool of emotions away, lightening their load, and giving them the skills to start paying attention to themselves and their feelings more. By listening to their emotions and processing them, clients can prevent that emotional build up that is out of their control, leading to anxiety and depression.
And you can learn how to do that in this course.
Imagine being able to help your clients name the one thing they have felt was wrong with them their entire lives. Imagine giving them that turning point, that ability to name their CEN. Because once they know what’s wrong, you can give them the ability to fix it.
CEN Clients learned as children that emotional expression is bad. Imagine helping them understand that emotional expression is what connects people and keeps relationships healthy and strong.
Imagine helping your clients to take up more space in the world and feel good about that. Starting to see who they are, feel who they are, love and accept who they are and be who they really are in the world. Helping your clients share more, talk more, be more themselves when they are with the people in their lives. And help them let go of any exploitative relationships.
This course is approved for 2 CE credits
Click here for more information
Licensed or certified graduates of the Treatment of Childhood Emotional Neglect Overview course can be featured as a referral source on our website for people seeking a CEN therapist in their area. This serves as a great marketing and networking tool for therapists as well as a referral resource for CEN clients.
Supporting You After the Course
I also want to give you further support as you work with CEN Clients. My goal is to give you everything you need to start helping clients with their CEN.

Bonus #1
CEN Worksheets
I have received a lot of requests from therapists asking me to provide worksheets that they can use to help them with their CEN clients.
So, to fulfill that request, I have put together several worksheets. These worksheets will make it easier for you to use what you have learned in the Treating Childhood Emotional Neglect Course. Some are worksheets you can give directly to your clients to help them access their feelings and find the words to talk about them. Other worksheets will walk you through exercises you can give your clients to work through the various steps of healing CEN.

Bonus #2
Course Transcripts
After you have taken the course and you are working with your CEN clients, you may have flash-backs about what was said about the different stages of healing CEN and think to yourself: “Now how did Dr. Webb put that exactly?”. Or maybe you learn better through reading or taking notes.
That’s why I have had the course transcribed. This way, you don’t have to look through all the videos to find that one piece of information.

Bonus #3
How to challenge and overcome the natural defense system built into CEN
There are 7 types of blocks or defenses that will stand between you and your CEN client, making it difficult to move them forward or even keep them in treatment.
They are:
- The fatal flaw: fear of being seen and known
- Refusal to see parents’ failure
- Counter-dependence
- Difficulty acknowledging and owning the true impact of their parents' failure to validate their emotions
- Challenges with self-discipline and motivation
- Fear of what’s on the other side of their wall
- The ultimate connector: experiencing a feeling together
I’ll walk you through each one and give you strategies you can use to challenge and work through those defenses.
Once again, here is what is included:
- The 5 stages of CEN treatment and how to apply it in your practice: [Value $600]
- 2 Continuing Education Credits (by taking a separate test)
- Eligible to be featured as a CEN Therapist referral source (and receive referrals from me) [Value $100+]
- Bonus #1: CEN Worksheets [Value $100]
- Bonus #2: Course Transcripts [Value $120]
- Bonus #2: How to challenge and overcome the natural defense system built into CEN [Value $150]
That makes the total value of this course $1,070.
However, I want to help as many therapists, coaches, and other practitioners who work with CEN clients as possible.
So I have made this program available for just $137.
Treating Childhood Emotional Neglect: An Overview
One Payment
100% satisfaction guarantee

I’m confident you’ll be happy with the Treating Childhood Emotional Neglect Training.
However, if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us a within 30 days and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.
Thank you,
Dr. Jonice Webb
Here’s what people are saying
“I found the training extremely helpful and informative. Dr. Webb is an excellent speaker who gives extremely detailed step-by-step guidance on how to help break through the CEN client’s resistance to acknowledging their difficulty and to admitting that their parents did not offer them emotional nurturing, listening or validation. This training gives you the tools you need to treat and diagnose CEN clients. And Dr. Webb even offers her handouts for use with the clients. It is the kind of training all practitioners hope for but rarely get as it provides practical tips for treating CENs.” - Elaine Krieger
“I learned much more about CEN then I expected too, and was pleased at the specifics for working with clients with CEN.” - Stephanie Claus
“How to explain CEN was very helpful as it is so hard to explain without sounding blaming.” - Diane Gibson
“I really liked that it was organized. It allows me to remember the information. I also especially loved that Dr. Webb gave clear ideas about the psychotherapeutic tasks, such as helping the client learn about their CEN and how it developed. Giving me the actual words to say helped me understand what we're trying to accomplish. For example, saying ‘Did your parents know you were going through this at the time?’" - Michael Schlein
“The training was incisive and in-depth, a very clear portrait of the CEN client, the stages of treatment and therapeutic tools. I especially loved the specificity of suggestions and questions to ask at each stage--how to creatively approach the Wall, how to encourage emotions during sessions, mirroring. I liked that it was free of jargon and clearly and logically presented. The other thing that deserves mention is Dr. Webb’s voice modulation and ability to speak at a comfortable rate. The value for me was that it was a deeper and more detailed treatment model.” - Geri Gourley
“Up until now, I have worked with about 60 core feelings. Your exhaustive breakdown of the core feelings is extremely helpful. I have always worked with a ‘Here and now I Feel’ concept to urge clients toward owning their feelings and becoming mindful. The introduction of meditation is something I have not used in my sessions but, use personally. I intend to try this technique. I found that addressing smiling is an approach I never used. I've always addressed it as a co- dependent reaction and never looked behind it.” - Robert Rozsay
“The training provided very specific language to use when explaining concepts to our clients. As always, your concepts and ideas are explained and presented very well and easy to relate to.” - Monika Yen
©2020 Dr. Jonice Webb