6 Sad Reasons Why A Family Creates A Black Sheep

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I’m the black sheep of my family,”

said the young man who sat before me in my therapy office. I tried to imagine this adorable, sad young man being the “black sheep” of anything. I couldn’t.

Generally considered the outcast of the family, the black sheep is typically assumed to be an oddball. Furthermore, the rest of the family believes that the black sheep brought this upon himself.

It is true that sometimes the black sheep is indeed “odd” by anyone’s standards (sometimes the result of a hidden mental illness). Or she may be a sociopath who violates the family’s boundaries and care, so that the family has to exclude her to rightfully protect themselves.

But surprisingly, very seldom is either of these scenarios actually the case. Many, many black sheep are lovable folks with much to offer their families and the world. In fact, they are often the best and brightest. They may be the most creative of the family, or the one with the most powerful emotions.

In truth, the world is full of black sheep. Think hard. Does your family have one? This question is not as easy to answer as it may seem, for many black sheep are not physically excluded from the family. For most, it’s much more subtle. The exclusion is emotional. 

Three Signs That Your Family Has a Black Sheep: 

  1. One member often, over a long period of time, seems hurt or angry for no apparent reason.
  2. One person is often, and on a long-term basis, talked about negatively behind his back. “He’s so annoying,” “What a weirdo/disappointment/loser/fill in the blank.”
  3. One member is subtly not invited to certain family occasions or left out of the loop on family news. 

So if most black sheep aren’t actually weirdos who brought their exclusion upon themselves, what would cause a family to treat one of their own this way? The real cause does not lie within any individual family member. No. Instead it’s a product of family dynamics.

Here are the sources that I see most often.

The Six Top Family Dynamics Which Result in a Black Sheep:

  1. The child who has the least in common with the parents. This child sticks out because of his personality, temperament or interests. The parents are baffled by him and inadvertently treat him differently, which spreads to the siblings.
  2. The best and the brightest. This child threatens to outperform or outshine one or both of the parents. Either consciously or unconsciously, the parents sabotage her to hold her back. This way, they won’t lose her and they won’t have to feel badly about themselves in comparison to her.
  3. The child most prone to depression or anxiety. The child with intense or dark feelings or thoughts which the parents cannot understand may frighten them. At a loss about how to help, they may just keep him at a distance.
  4. Sibling rivalry. In this family, there is simply not enough attention or love to go around. One or both of the parents is limited in some way; by mental illness, personality disorder, or substance abuse for example. The siblings must jockey for whatever they can get.
  5. A parent who despises himself deep down. This parent can appear to be quite loving of her children, so she can be difficult to spot. But she is unable to tolerate certain aspects of herself, so she projects those traits onto a chosen child, and despises him instead. It is an unconscious coping mechanism that happens outside of the parent’s awareness.
  6. Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN): the child who is the most invisible. In this family, all of the children may get the subtle (or not-so-subtle) message that their feelings don’t matter. But one is better at hiding his own needs, feelings, and self than the others. This child literally disappears from the family’s radar screen and is ignored. He becomes persona non grata. He is the one who matters the least.

With any of the six causes above, the excluded or targeted child senses early on that he must be different, bad or inferior. In a case of self-fulfilling prophecy, he learns to play his role in the family. Often, he plays it very well.

What should you do if you recognize your family in these words? It is indeed difficult to turn around entrenched family dynamics like these.  But you can make a difference:

Choose to see your family through a more complex lens.

Ask yourself: Is this right? Is this the person that I want to be? Is this how I want to treat my sibling or child?

Share this article with chosen members of your family.

Look at your black sheep with fresh eyes and notice what you’ve never seen before.

Open your heart and your little section of the family circle.

Let your black sheep know that you reclaim him.

If you are a Black Sheep:

You are right to be baffled and confused. Nothing is as simple as it has always seemed. Know that you have value. And it is not your fault. Watch for a future post: Message to the Black Sheep of the World.

To learn more about Childhood Emotional Neglect, how and why it happens, and how it affects all of the children in the family see Running on Empty No More: Transform Your Relationships 

To learn more about Childhood Emotional Neglect, see my first book Running on Empty.

This article was originally published on Psychcentral.com and has been republished here with the permission of the author and PsychCentral


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Chris - March 22, 2025 Reply

I’m the black sheep in my family and I could care less. I was abused, but I’m not getting to too much into that.

Kecia - March 19, 2025 Reply

Your insight seems pretty spot on – thanks for sharing.

Rachel - March 18, 2025 Reply

I am the oldest of three. I feel like I am a black sheep. Why? Well a lot of stuff has built off over the years. My father is narcissistic. My mother has been mentally and physically abused by him and is mentally weak. I’m not sure if this is jealousy but how can you blame me, when all I’ve felt is that I’m clearly just not as important to my family. Every time I feel some type of way or express my feelings, my family gets triggered. I’m being picked on in my own HOME. It doesn’t even feel like a home. I don’t feel mentally safe at home. I feel left out, like my feelings are not important. I don’t have a voice, and if I say something, it is automatically a problem. Sometimes I do crash out in front of them but only because all of those emotions I keep bottled up come out. I’m just tired. I’m dealing with a lot of depression and have thought of suicide a good amount of times. I’m just tired of dealing with them and their hate towards me. I’ve been called a loser, a know-it-all, a bitch, crazy, sensitive, stupid, weird, mental, exaggerated my whole life. When this WHOLE time, my ENTIRE life all I’ve ever wanted was to feel heard and seen. To know that my parents understand me and that the way I feel which is anger, frustration and resentment towards them isn’t just for no reason. It’s because they made me like this. But I can’t tell them that. They will never understand me. OH and the best thing about all of this is that their little picture of me has been drawn to my sister as well. Now I have not just my parents but my sisters going against me. I have nobody. Except my boyfriend. But if I go to him, their calling me a bitch for choosing a boy over my own family. Im TIRED. Im alone. I’m frustrated. I’m angry. I’m depressed. I just hope I can save up enough money, get an apartment, cut ties and move one with my life. That’s my wish.

    Jonice - March 22, 2025 Reply

    Dear Rachel, I’m glad you shared your story with us, and I’m so very sorry you are living with so much abuse. This is not acceptable and not right, as you already know. Thoughts of suicide are an alarm bell. It means that it is vital that you share your story with someone in person who can understand and support and guide you to use your strengths to protect yourself. I urge you to reach out to some therapists or counselors in your area to get help. This is too much for you to navigate alone, and you deserve to have help! Sending you all my best wishes.

Ashley - March 17, 2025 Reply

Black sheep here. I’m the middle of three girls. Growing up, I can’t count how often I was left behind, forgotten, left out, and just blended into the background.

As an adult, I’m the only one of the three of us without children (by chouce). This has turned into yet another reason, now for the rest of our lives, that my sisters have already been leaving me out just because I don’t have kids. This wasn’t as big of a deal when my older sister had her kids. It was as soon as my younger sister did. Because now they could bond over this thing.

For one more piece of background, growing up as kids they were always a little closer than I ever was with either of them. Once we were all around college age they became closer again because they worked together.

I like my alone time, but living my entire life being left out of my own family, especially when my own husband sees it happen over and over is exhausting and isolating.

Chris - March 11, 2025 Reply

One was not mentioned that i know from personal experience. You can inherit the black sheep title if your parent is one. Especially when that is the only side of the fam you have access to.

Jody - March 11, 2025 Reply

I am the black sheep of my family. I came from an extremely confusing blended childhood family life. My mom was previously married and had 5 children and my father was also married beforehand and had 5 children and they married and had me. All of my siblings were a lot older than I was, the closest in age to me was 11 years older than I was. I never fit in. I am extremely artistic , musical and loved reading growing up. My half siblings were nothing like me. They all acted like I was a nuisance and not part of the family. They made fun of me for being intelligent and well spoken. I was the baby and my mom and dad worked a lot. More often than not I was left with my siblings to fend for myself. My mother told me she wanted to abort me and my dad begged her not to. My
Mom was very dismissive of me and mean to me. My dad was 28 years older than she was 70 years old when I was 5. I was pretty as well and my sisters were not that attractive so this made it even more difficult for me. I have a lot of trauma from trying to survive the childhood neglect I experienced. Being the outcast in my own family because I was the only intelligent one. I felt like I was living in the wrong family… I was swapped at birth. I literally had nothing in common with any of them growing up. I was so embarrassed that this was my family. I still am. To me they are all trashy (heavy smokers, cuss in public, drinkers, live in trailer some campers and no education most didn’t even graduate). I have 2 masters degree’s and have been quite successful in my career and have a nice home and my own family. Yet sometimes I still feel hurt when I’m left out of family stuff. My mom recently died annd after 3 years of therapy I was able to forgive her in the end and mend our relationship..my dad’s gone too and I have decided I have no reason to ever talk to any of them again. It’s not like they ever wanted or accepted me anyways. So being the black sheep can also be freeing. Sometimes your family isn’t worthy of who you will be.

    Jonice - March 22, 2025 Reply

    Dear Jody, thank you for sharing!

Debra - March 9, 2025 Reply

I’m the black sheep in my family, you described me perfectly except for one thing, sexual abuse.

    Jonice - March 9, 2025 Reply

    I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Debra. I hope you have a therapist to help you heal from it all. All my best to you.

Karen - March 7, 2025 Reply

I am the black sheep of my family. My father left the hospital immediately when I was born because he wanted a son. My sister, his firstborn and favorite, controls our family and has long excluded me from family gatherings. She chose to tell me on my mother‘s deathbed that my father has left me nothing in his will. She says that I’m just too sensitive and I’m the one with the problem. Now in my 50’s, she still finds ways to hurt me. Once my father passes, I will cut her out of my life.

    Cheryl - March 19, 2025 Reply

    Dear Karen! You seemed to speak to me directly! I am so happy I found this article and will read these books! I am separated from my sister and brother since the death of my mother, my father passed before, and life is better and better since I’m starting to understand this!! I have absolutely NO interest in reuniting. And I am no longer resentful or angry. Just FREE.

CB - January 18, 2025 Reply

Reading all these stories is so painful I don’t want to relate my own. Just sending hugs to you all.

Bethany - December 28, 2024 Reply

Hello. I’ll try to make a long story short. My Mom
Had me at age 20. They divorced when I was two or so. Her second husband adopted me. She always told me I was adopted and that my biological Dad didn’t want to be a Dad (even though he had a daughter from a previous marriage). My adopted Dad was physically abusive towards me from the beginning. I will say he has since apologized to me for his behavior and has made a truly honest effort to show me he is sorry. I forgive him. Growing up, anytime I made a mistake my Mom would freak out. When I lost my virginity in high school
She beat me up and told my siblings they were not to speak to me because I was a whore. I was grounded and made to paint the house that summer. My Mom says that never happened. I am now a 47 year old adult and my Mom and have been in therapy for over a year. There are so many things my Mom has done that have devastated me. I finally confronted her and she blamed my struggles with alcohol since age 15 and lied about certain situations. Before this year I have always taken what my Mom said about me as gospel. Even though I know she has been gaslighting me I still find it hard and feel guilty about confronting her. Has anyone experienced something like this?

    CT - March 20, 2025 Reply

    I have Bethany. She sounds like my mother. Except replace painting the house with a military boot camp for troubled teens. She also rewrites history so I’ve stopped discussing the past with her. I’m so sorry. It’s an isolating way to grow up. Especially with a mother who presents a shiny exterior to the world while wreaking havoc on her own daughter. Mine had me at 19. And she was abusive. Similar split and remarried story too except my mother lied and said he was my father then took me out of the country under false pretenses as an adult and I “met” my real father as an almost 30 year old. He is also a narcissist but he idealizes me as a product of him and she continues to envy me bc I disrupted her life plans at 19.

    Anyway, fast forward to today and I am healed now and this article makes me cry because I see myself in all of you. I am crying for the child and teen versions of me who acted out and thought they were bad and damaged. I survived. My light has never shone brighter. Just remember that you ARE good. You can be free from the ugliness of the past. Sending you love.

Kendra - December 28, 2024 Reply

I became the black sheep when I was about 14 yrs old, my interests and way of being, way of thinking, was so different from both of my brothers’ and my parents’. I also became a very depressed person with frequent suicide ideation, which is still the case 40 years later. My middle brother was classic middle kid, always the squeaky wheel. I was close to both of my brothers until I moved 1800 miles away in my 20s and my middle brother resented me so deeply for it. He never even tried to understand my depression after that point, he was so irritated with me for moving away. I had to move away from all of them, they were becoming so toxic and hindering my growth. Interestingly, the middle brother always felt that I got all the attention, I’m the youngest, he felt I was always the focus, and that was not at all the case, HE always got all of it, and particularly so after he had kids of his own. Also interesting is that he suicided earlier this year, he was spiraling and coming undone over the course of 6 or 8 months, it began when his daughter decided to go to college, and live there, only 90 minutes from where he lived. Abandonment issues loud and clear. Anyway, I spent about 6 weeks with my parents, walking them through their grief and devastation, then walked away for good this time. I’ve always felt that I was on my own in this world anyway.

    Kathy - January 22, 2025 Reply

    As professionals I think we should be very careful when working with young people ) have iatrogenic consequences.

Mary - December 23, 2024 Reply

I am most certainly the black sheep. I understand all the reasons why. At this point in my life at 59 I celebrate this fact. I do not blame anyone because they were going through something that was hurting them. They were not consciously doing it to cause me pain. Although it did. The reason I celebrate it is because I turned out to be quite a caring, generous, compassionate and loving person. I am far from perfect but I believe I am a good person. I have far to go to to heal but feel that all blame is a waste of time.

Thank-you for allowing me to have a voice and being heard.

Cindy - December 16, 2024 Reply

Hi there… I’m older …late 60’s damage pretty much done from being the black sheep. However , the backstabbing continues from siblings that are the sole power of attorney to my 93 mother. I am told to not interfere, “go back in my cave” and not told any information about my mother. If I try to visit she, my mother, gets punished by spending time with me. So I stay away to protect my mother. My siblings hurt me deeply….or I guess the psychological term is,,…..I have allowed them to hurt me.! Anything I try to do to help my mother is Knocked down with criticism and negative comments. My mother favors the younger son…her favorite. And the older daughter is sole power of attorney and has medical directives and keeps all information away from me. She is evil, ugly and vindictive . My mother says I’m hurting HER by staying away….so I get the big G From her GUILT!!!!
What to do????? Stay away and protect my mother from being manipulated and mistreated by the other siblings? And in turn get the guilt trip from my mother???? I have allowed these siblings to hurt me deeply and am caught between them and my mother’s GUILT. Im OLDER 67 and it has taken it toll on me….I use to be a loving caring person. I had a wonderful career in veterinary medicine where it required me to have compassion, show empathy and love to clients and their animals. I was successful! After retirement I realized the dynamics of my childhood and relationships with siblings…..unhealthy!!!! Now, sadly, I have become mean, nasty, critical and stay to myself because I AM SO VERY TIRED OF BEING HURT BY PEOPLE…EVEN THE SLIGHTEST FEELINGS OF HURT SENDS ME TO TURN MY BACK ON LIFETIME FRIENDS AND ANYONE who hurts me in any way….and yes, I’m hypersensitive to hurt and emotional pain.
Well, that’s my nutshell! Can you offer anything to help me today…it’s almost Christmas 2024 .
I’m going to order your book❤️

James T - November 23, 2024 Reply

I’m so depressed my family hate me they say I did things that I didn’t my brother insulted me so badly by calling me a N****r sheep and a bastard.
My other sister said equally bad things.
I’m now isolated & alone.
I know I am a good person.
I always have been I’m generous, thoughtful & kind.
But my family isn’t alone most people I have met are selfish inconsiderate and say hateful things .
If there are any good people reading this
Stay strong and true to yourself
God bless you all

Eric - November 2, 2024 Reply

So sorry to hear your pain. If I can just put my arms around you in affectionate compassion, as a fellow sufferer all my life… from family “silence”, blacksheeping, parents’ divorce that wrecked my childhood, father left to go far away abroad, I was bulied and ignored at school, no success or recognition in work. I had No real friends, no regular job…
I almost “lost it” a few times with dark suicidal thoughts that almost came badly true…Thank the Lord Jesus for a new start.
I separated from my wife, blew a BIG fuse, then came back.

Then, I “refound” my amazing wife/partner that suffers terribly from her painful health and being unrecognised and bullied at work, but she has helped me over the years with her strong faith and compassion and incredible intelligence, understanding and reconnected with nature.
She forgave me, and taught me, reconnected me to people and nature at a warm loving spiritual level. No judgement, no anger.
I was really BITTER and ANGRY before but she showed me prayer and unconditional forgiveness through love and softness. It took my pain and anger away.
People get so jealous, push you down, “ghost” you, talk behind your back, and mistreat you in so many physical and emotional ways..I know it, personally.
Just to share with you, the change in my own heart…
I became a father, I rediscovered my talent for music and creativity and composition and gave it to God for His service (I became a music teacher and jazz/folk man), rediscovered nature. I noticed how so many people need love in their lives it took away my own selfish need and frustration…
Everyone is different, I can’t judge anyone, and each has their own experience, but for me, I know even if I’m not the best or richest or most successful etc I feel loved by my wife and son,…and every little second is a gift, a chance to think and act with faith, positively, help and serve…t
Take care and don’t lose hope. Forgive yourself and others. Open your heart and let the light come in. Your life will change for the better. That’s my little word of love for you tonight. Bye and take care.

Marlene - October 28, 2024 Reply

I am the blacksheep. It has been horrible so I’ve just recently decided to cut all ties. I had reduced seeing family for 6 years. They don’t like me because my mother found me embarrassing. Glasses, chubby thighs, acne. Not good at sports. Not good at school. But in my defense, I was never helped on anything and I was always excluded from games etc. Then as an adult I married a blue collar man. They laugh at him a lot because he’s blue collar. They think we’re two idiots because we work hard for a living. My mother excluded some grandchildren as well. She deemed them as unworthy of affection or positive attention. It’s been a hard life. My family members are all retired executives and very well to do and I’m just not that bright I guess. I do have a masters degree but for some reason it’s not good to them. I worry about being alone when my husband dies but I can hardly take the backhanded compliments and the pity they show because we are still working. They all retired very early after lucrative careers. Idk what I did wrong to my mom but I think she just wasn’t happy I didn’t make her look good. I embarrassed her I think. Well, I’m 67 and hopefully I can find some peace now that I cut ties (I’ve decided to just say I’m busy for the 1 or 2 times someone in the family contacts me about an event they are going to: out to dinner for example.

William - October 22, 2024 Reply

I’m the only son with three sisters.The middle one being the favorite.My dad has always had tough standards for me.I have been beat down mentally for years even though I turned out very successful and self sufficient. I have been a good son and have helped out family every chance I could,
My wife and I lost our oldest daughter 19 years ago to a fatal auto accident.It devastated us more than words can say. I chose to avoid holiday gatherings as they were too painful without our daughter’s presence. I would hear comments from my sister’s daughters saying they thought we were too good to gather with the family. My middle sister and her daughters have become my parents favorites.My sister received a house from my parents.Her daughter bought a house from my parents.Dad asked me if I wanted to buy it instead.I asked him how much. He wanted me to outbid her and wouldn’t sell it to me for the same price even though I’m his own son. I told him to let her buy it.They have drained my father instead of trying harder.But his tough standards only applies to me.
My mother died a few weeks ago.He’s 87 years old and grieving.I help my sisters take care of him even though I leave his house feeling beat down.My other daughter has never got a phone call seeing how she is doing after losing her sister 19 years ago. She was never close to my parents because of the favorites. I don’t need their money.We just wanted to be treated equal and loved.I’m going to have a talk with him soon asking him why he treats me differently.I would like to go to counseling with him but he is set in his ways.I may have to set boundaries with him and if he treats me bad just walk out of his life.Sisters don’t see a problem.Go figure!

Rhonda - October 19, 2024 Reply

I have been the black sheep for as long as I can remember. Raised by narcissistic parents, one covert the other malignant. Was constantly told by mother I was a loser who would never amount to anything. Guess what? She was right. I have no home,no husband,no well paying job, no savings and no friends. I have no self esteem. I make terrible decisions. I avoid confrontation of any kind so people at work walk all over me. I have been physically, mentally and emotionally abused. Triangulated during childhood, my golden child sister hates me. The only family I have left. I was excluded from the will (narc dad’s doing). Everything was left to my sister who married wealthy and didn’t need anything. I will die on the streets somewhere, unloved, uncared for and bitter and angry. Honestly it can’t come soon enough.

    Isa - November 20, 2024 Reply

    hi Rhonda
    please don’t hate yourself. you’ll be fine. I’m in the same situation as you . you are worthy and way more that the family members you’re mentioning. if you have no home and no job, please reach out to a shelter and to the government. get some money, take courses or training, and get a job. you sound like a very smart person. reclaim your life. it’s yours. don’t confirm their beliefs.
    you have every right to feel beaten down, but that’s not fair to you . Haven’t you given up enough because of this trauma?
    it’s a bit hard for a while, but I’ve tried and it gets a lot easier when you mentally leave them, see them for who they are and not have a care for them… just focus on YOU, as if they didn’t exist.
    if a monkey in the zoo looked at your clothes sideways, would you spend the rest of your days wasting your precious life wondering why?
    just throw them away frim your life.
    you are awesome s
    and capable.
    just by your writing i can tell that you’re a great person, and just by being in this world you’re making it a better place.
    we will be ok.
    reach out to people who love you, to shelters snd helpers.
    don’t forget.
    hang in there, better days coming as soon as you start living for you!!!
    it’s unfair but life has them plenty. think of it this way: it made people like us stronger and more discerning.
    with love,
    a fellow family scapegoat

Anne - September 5, 2024 Reply

I was my father’s favourite and my brother who was one year older than me was the black sheep. When he was about 4 years old – and me 3 years old – he liked to run away or explore – and take me with him. I remember my father taking us to the basement and make me watch him beat up my 4-year-old brother. I still hear him scream. He was a gifted child but my father only saw me, not him. My brother ran away as a teenager, then came back but eventually committed suicide in his early 20s. My father regretted deeply beating my brother but this was common in the 1950s and he said he did it because he was afraid my brother would be killed by a car. My father spent the much of the rest of his life drinking to try to forget the guilt and regret. I don’t want my brother to be forgotten, but remembering is so painful that I almost regret reviving the memory of my brother. On the other hand, he eventually proved that he could take control of his destiny and find the peace that could not find on this earth. He had a practical side to him, and wouldn’t want me to be a sentimental slob, as he used to say.

Sb - September 3, 2024 Reply

I am the oldest child to my parents and i have a younger brother.I am 42 married have 2 kids. I would not treat any soul like i was treated in childhood. I was ridiculed that i am not as sharp as my brother. He is better than me. I am self made i work and i earn more than anyone in my family still i was told that i run behind money. My bad luck followed me in my relationship as well. My husband treats me well but he is very critical of anything that i do and say. I could bear the pin given by my parents somehow but treated by the only beat friend who i married to and love i cant take it anymore. I feel like i am losing this battle of life and want to end it. There are so many details i can type here but that would hurt more. I don’t know if living will be an option for people like me. I feel like people will be better off without me. Nobody understands it.

Teresa - August 16, 2024 Reply

I don’t think I’m the black sheep in my family but my sister told me that I am.

Arlene Mielczarski - August 9, 2024 Reply

My mother and father had me out of wedlock. I being the oldest was ridiculed, mocked and never was good enough. As time went on my siblings treated me the same. Now I am 65 and my sisters don’t belive that I should get any inheritance and they think I never cared about my parents. It is just the opposite. My parents NEVER CARED about me. My sisters say I was not “family oriented” and not around which is NOT TRUE. I was not around at times b/c I got more respect from friends and friends parents and did not want to be in the house being bullied all the time. I was at every holiday function and I did vacation with my parents as well as coming home every night to sleep (whether to go to work or school) So not sure what my sister’s believe but must have gotten this from my parents. One sister keeps saying I did not do enough for my mother when I know I did. My mother never was there for me – just the opposite. I may have to get a lawyer when my father dies b/c he left the house 3 ways for me and my other two sisters, but they will fight me on my share. I feel like Cinderella. Because I was unwanted in the first place and my parent’s got married and had a miserable marriage, I was a product of that. That resulted into the same perception from my sisters. I am the outcast, outsider or intruder in the family. I guess it is too late for me to fix this or know how to fix it.

Kim - August 1, 2024 Reply

I’m 53 and has always been the scapegoat. My dad full blown narcissistic turned my sister and mom against me. I’m always the one that was never good enough. Even though my sister never work and her husband makes great money. My life was very hard he kicked me out at 18 and got into a very domestic violent relationship for years but had no one to run to but myself. I have gotten through it all and I am my own cheerleader. I had / have to be. My life is so much much better last 15 years great guy and nice home good job. I.pat myself on the back for it. My dad always knocked me down for years still does. My sister will always be their favorite and you know what. I don’t care. I just think it’s sad a mom could sit back and let all this happen to the youngest child. I would do anything for my child which she turned awesome but not as good as my sister kids apparently that had everything handed to them. We’re stronger people from it all. It still hurts and they still do it.
Just see them when I have to.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Remember we’re the strong ones!!!

DORRIS - July 27, 2024 Reply

i have spent many hours searching for a website that “understands” the family dynamics addressed in this article. The reason for this search is that I have a younger sister whom , like me, is a black sheep. She is now residing in a nursing homr due to emotional, mental and physical abuse administered by her adult son.

Both of us were “invisible” in our family: same parents for all children but a mother who refused to accept the two children who did not reflect her side of the family in looks nor her own narrow-minded personality.

These two children quickly learned that nothing they did would ever please their mother, and nothing they did, wanted, or said warranted a response from her. These two sisters had different personalities: one very extroverted, and one very introverted. The latter is the victim of elder abuse mentioned above. The other tried to get the siblings to help her by soliciting help prior to the physical abuse. They refused on the basis that, “…she is in this situation because of choices she made, so, “Oh well…”

I am the older black sheep and have tried, in vain, to help the siblings to understand why she sacrificed and worked multiple jobs to give her children everything she could as a mother. And how her childhood and marital emotional neglect left her feeling unworthy of respect, recognition of her needs or care, or acknowledge-ment of her sacrifices skills and accomplishments.

Therefore, she raised four greedy, demanding, cruel, ungrateful, selfish and disrespectful children, whose only concern is to hasten her death so they can get everything they can from her.
Two of these children have been appointed guardian of her due to her being declared incompetent because of their neglect and their sibling’s abuse. The house doctor in the hospital told me that her dementia was caused by dehydration. Her Guardian assured the siblings that the nursing facility they placed her in would give her therapy, but, after she was in the facility, she was refused therapy.

A classic “black sheep” incident?

Marty - July 11, 2024 Reply

Great book Dr. Jonice I’m 1,2,10 unfortunately. God bless you.

Marty - July 4, 2024 Reply

Hi Dr. Jonice I found 5 of the six markers for Black Sheep to be true. My Dad was a prominent figure in our small community, and passed away a year ago my mom years ago. After reading the comments I realized the last step in the process (for.some) was being excluded from anything in his will. After taking care of him at the end of his life I never thought it would be possible.
I pressured My sister (I have 2) for copy.
You can Imagine my horror at what was inside…0 nothing for me. Taking this to his death is perplexing to me. I’m ordering the book today.
Thank you.

Marty - June 28, 2024 Reply

I am the oldest of three and have been the scapegoat for everything since I was 10, which has created anxiety. I’m glad to have found this site to interact with other victims.

Odín - May 27, 2024 Reply

Dr. Jonice, i’m reading your book “Running On Empty” in search for answers and its greatly helping me understand myself. However, i feel its egotistical of me to see myself as the “black sheep” or misunderstood or something other than i just didn’t met my potential for wanting to go against the current in my family. I try to find neglect or fault in my parents and i can’t rightly do so, since they have been loving and supportive. I feel extreme guilt towards this and have very difficult anger management problems which is eroding my current relationship. I know there are traumatic experiences in my childhood, but not from being neglected by my parents. Or at least not in the way i think most people find neglect. I think there was abuse from my cousins when i was little, in the form of both physical abuse and verbal abuse; they were older than me and i distinctly remember how they saw me as a retard and a nerd because of my interests growing up. But, i feel i’m being unfair in my assesment since pinning every bad choice i’ve made since i’m 8 years old on them makes me feel like i’m being resentful or bitter. Im sorry i’m unpacking this on your comment section lol

Cynthia - April 29, 2024 Reply

I am so happy to find this site because for the first time I feel like I am not alone and maybe this isn’t my fault. I hope it’s okay, I’m going to just share my story. It’s not for help or sympathy, but to share with others like me so maybe they can relate and see there are more of us. (Also, omg please stop reading it if it makes you feel emotional because that’s not my intenton.) Writing this might help others and maybe will help me let some of my feelings out.

Honestly, I was a straight A student and apparently very smart. Somehow, at the same time, I am the black sheep of my family – mainly because I see/do things differently. I have always been told that I walk to the beat of a different drummer and that I am a dreamer (it was not told to me in a good way). I feel like I first noticed it when my mom choked me and kicked me down a flight of stairs (I was about 10 years old). She later apologized and I asked her why she did it, she simply replied that she really didn’t like me. There were more things, but this kind of covers the situation I lived in. Suffice it to say my childhood reduced my self esteem to the point that I dropped out of college in the 2nd year. (I had constant panic attacks and knew I didn’t really belong enough to get a degree in the field I wanted.) As a child, I once had an offer to play classical piano in a museum for the tour people. I didn’t persue that because my uncle would make me play with him and laugh at me and ridicule me when I made mistakes.

Fast forward to adulthood, I once had a very successful holistic health practice and after about 3 years in business, I rented a room to my sister after she became a chiropractor. Our entire family showed up after she moved in with gifts and to see her in her new office. They never said congrats to me or anything and never visited me when I started. In fact, they used to berate me for not doing things “normally” and when I sold the business they told me it was the dumbest thing I ever did. They often leave me out of the loop and only invite me (and now my family) to family functions when they “have to.”

I used to play in a band and on the nights I played, if family showed up – they would tell me how much they admired me, but I’m pretty sure they were drunk or something because that sentiment always immediately faded. (I did play in rock bands, but never drank or did drugs or anything stupid like that, especially when doing shows, so it’s not like they should’ve been embarrased by me or anything – at least I don’t think so.)

Today, I still work for myself and cringe every single time I read something in marketing about, “Talk to your friends and family about your business – they will support you!” Not in my world.. and when I see that kind of stuff, it just makes me feel sick to my stomach and worse about myself. I wish I could make more money, but I know my self esteem is so low it has been blocking me. (I sense this because I’ve had bosses in the past and colleagues later on tell me I have sadly low self esteem. I have been working on it for like 10 years with therapy, hypnotherapy, affirmations, journaling, attitude adjustments – so far it’s extremely slow progress.)

I feel the black sheep thing has extended to my kids. My sister can’t wait to tell me anything negative about them and she consistently talks mean about me behind my back (I know this because people often come back to me and ask about things that just aren’t true). Because of this, I kind of avoid them, now. I realized how bad they make me feel about myself. (It only took decades for me to figure that out. lol)

It’s not just my sister. Once after making a nice Sunday dinner for my family, my dad looked at my husband and told him he made a delicious dinner. Because he did that all the time, my husband finally told him I cooked it. He said, “that’s nice” and complimented him on “his” cooking again. At a Thanksgiving dinner we hosted, he told my sister in front of the entire extended family that she was his favorite. (I was horrified because my children were there and young at the time, and I didn’t want them to see such a demeaning thing like that.) The horrible thing is that my sister has even been in conversations with my husband about what a bad person I am, even though at one point he was cheating on me. She mentioned it was probably my fault.

I often feel alone and isolated and have come to accept that I don’t understand this life, social “norms” or other people. I don’t “get” what family is. The only real friends I ever had were in one of the bands I played in, he was the guitar player and he died a couple years ago due to an inherited illness. Being a black sheep has taken a toll on my self esteem and psyche and if I didn’t have kids (and furbabies), I would truly consider something drastic. At the same time, I still feel compassion and love for all my family members because I know we all have our own story.

So, now I have to meditate and struggle to move my mind to happier thoughts. If you are in a similar situation, please know/pray/meditate, do whatever it takes to pick yourself up. We will get through this. I haven’t done it yet, but I know what we overcome will make us stronger. I wish you all love, light and blessings.

Aashka - April 12, 2024 Reply

my father’s side of the family decided I was black sheep. this happened slowly over time as well. we already have a black sheep but for good reasons to be honest, but for me, I’m not sure. I’m completely ignored at family gatherings. nobody will talk to me. when they do, as I’m about to leave, it feels forced and fake. I’m really hurt by all this. it just got worse after my dad died. though one of my uncle’s really stepped up to help, but after that I’m still ignored. I think it might be because I was in an abusive relationship for a few years and that drama made them want to distance themselves away from me, instead of giving me advice and telling me I’m in a toxic relationship. I was abused in my childhood so I didn’t realize I was in an abusive relationship.

The Youngest Child - February 11, 2024 Reply

Extremely impactful stories here.
I’m so tired! I’ve been the black sheep for over 50 years. Narcissistic mother but my father was mentally ill. He was my twin and even though we had rough times, I knew he always cherished me.He was the only family member who told me he loved me. I’ve never heard it from anyone else. So I really don’t know what love feels like. I’m still grieving 22 years after his death. Yet nobody talks about him. His story is much like mine. The youngest with successful siblings and severe mental and physical health issues that are denied. I have been fighting my mental health and trauma since I was 12. Always seeking a better existence. In 2019 I sent my mother an email explaining that I want nothing to do with her. It’s very difficult but I had to. I asked her not to contact me in any way. Her narcissism tells her to send me an email on my birthday. Without using my name or saying anything about my birthday. I’ve continued to ask her to stop. I’m also the youngest of 9 successful cousins who have no use for me. I was extremely close with my brother and sister but not anymore. My sister married up (way up) and basically thinks she’s in charge of me. I have mental health issues and signed over money to her. So now she totally supports me. It’s so degrading. My brother is not even recognizable to me. He was so easy going. Now I’m terrified of him. I can’t seem to say anything right to either of them. I’ve also not been invited to large family events. They think I don’t know about them???
I’ve been in severe crisis since finding out I need surgery, not able to do it. Anxiety and panic are occurring daily. I have to take medication every morning now. In December I was attacked while in my vehicle. He caused severe physical damage to the vehicle and absolutely destroyed me. I’m scared of everything. When I try to talk to my sister, she tells me to get over it. Understand this is someone who financially supports mental health in a big way but does not have the emotional skills to deal with the impact of it on her family. I can’t tell her the horrible things her now dead husband said to me for over 30 years. I don’t know why he hated me. I gave up my life to run their household and take care of one of his kids with developmental disabilities. I never said no. I guess all this was a trade off for having a place to live and food. But never a paycheque. I have no savings. I’m so stuck.
I’m in crisis and realize that I need residential treatment. I told my sister and she’s angry? How do you know what you need, she says? Perhaps because the 40 something years of daily work hasn’t been successful. I’m so torn apart due to the financial dependence. I have severe spinal stenosis, can’t work a regular job. Sometimes I can’t get out of bed.
I’ve tried 3 times to end my life. I’m not feeling that at all which is why it is so shocking to have her be dismissive of me getting the right type of care. I’m speaking again to my psychiatrist tomorrow to have her get me in the right program but I absolutely know what kind of work I need to do. In the past I’ve taken myself to the hospital (the worst) and my family is embarrassed by it. Always trying to keep me out but not wanting to help me.
Thank you to everyone who wrote, I don’t feel so alone now. I just wish I had the finances to leave and live a calm life. I know that would be so beneficial for me.

Anna - December 25, 2023 Reply

I have 2 younger brothers (6 and 7 years younger), both married with children, and a cousin closer to their age, married, childless. 14 years ago I moved back home so we could all raise our kids together. they consistently exclude me from plans, or just tell me about them as an afterthought. they did not include me when they all bought a boat together. at Christmas they get her gifts, but never me. I sometimes regret having moved back home. I don’t expect this to ever change. I don’t know how to deal with the sadness that it causes me.

Sarah - December 9, 2023 Reply

I to am a black sheep. I never can understand why I have never been enough for my parents. I fear them still at 41 years old and being a mother myself. I don’t think I have ever heard my parents say they are proud of me or praise me for something. It’s really hurtful and has hurt more as an adult. I see how I treat my kids with so much love and say we love each other multiple times a day. My family wants to look perfect to everyone. They need to know there is no perfect family.

    Rick - January 28, 2024 Reply

    Same here. I never heard “I love you” or received a hug from either parent. But oh, the criticism I got my entire life, ending with disinheritance. Given my NPD mother, it wasn’t much of a surprise.
    On a lighter note – before I was barred from her miserable life and locked out of her house, I tried a little experiment – whenever we parted after I visited at her house, I would initiate my goodbye hug with either 1 or both arms, sometimes none. She exactly mirrored my actions, every time. It was simultaneously amusing and telling.
    I would have to guess that her actions at the end of our relationship made her insecure little self feel powerful. All it did was remove any doubt about her disorder.

Tiffany - November 24, 2023 Reply

I feel this so much. I’ve always felt this way with no way of my own. I have 4 half siblings and only talk to 1(well use to talk too). My whole life one of my half siblings and me were the closest ever and we are 7 years apart and I thought we would die together. The last 4 years or more however our relationship hasn’t been the same and I don’t know why? I don’t know what I have done. My kids are teenagers as well as hers and it’s thanksgiving today and as we sit here I have to answer questions to my kids that I don’t know the answer too. Mom why aren’t we at uncle Phillips for thanksgiving? Mom don’t we have family dinner to go to as well? This hurts my heart undeniably. I can’t help my dad cheated on their mom with my mom and had me! I didn’t break up a home and my kids DAMN SURE DIDNT!! So why? Why must we be treated this way as we sit here lonely on thanksgiving? I would have never ever thought my half sister that I always called her sister would do this to me. Just like they say sheep get fooled…

    Jonice - November 24, 2023 Reply

    Dear Tiffany, I’m so sorry this is happening to you. You are absolutely right, it is not your fault what your parent does to their parent. Sadly, they must be very hurt and showing solidarity with their father, and you are harmed in the process. I hope you will reach out and talk with a professional about this. And please know that time heals lots of wounds; for them as well as for you.

Cyndi - November 12, 2023 Reply

I resonate to all of the comments here, as well as this great article by Dr. Webb. The youngest of four children, I have always and still at age 65, treated as the youngest “child”. All my life I’ve being judged and belittled for my life decisions and left out of the family loop. Since my early adulthood, I estranged myself from them. This past July, I reluctantly attended my brother’s 75th birthday. All three siblings have major health problems and obese, trying again to play the victim role with me. I proudly kept my head up high, wearing a 70’s summer outfit that I created and sewed. I was tanned and a beautiful size 6 for 13 years, almost going down that rabbit hole of obesity and health issues as well. They, along with their children (except two), did not talk to me during this whole event! They even planned to get together the next day (Sunday) after church, yet never told me! I found out this plan from my daughter who also attended this event. Despite all the obvious stares from my family, I walked around with a smile on my face and conversed with guests of the party. The treatment I received from my family at this event, has reinforced my decision of just walking away for good. I’ve always went to my family major events, despite my reluctance given the abuse I received my whole life. Now I’m sure I do not want to continue to “play their games”. I have a few close friends and my adult children and their family (who know of the drama and have also experienced judgement). My small supportive family are quite enough for me. I am a light sheep for them (not black). Thank you all for your courage and determination – I consider you all more of a family than my blood siblings. Be well and shine!

Anne - November 1, 2023 Reply

Scapegoat story is similar.
They hang their deficiencies around the scapegoats neck, in essence blaming them for their own shortcomings. Once the scapegoat is gone they quickly need a new one.
Know you’re not crazy and leave them in your rear view mirror.
When just your presence, reminds them of their failures, that’s on them. Do not carry their burden.

Sheryl - October 25, 2023 Reply

Wow. Every single one of those is true. When I was in 3rd grade (I’m now 41), my mom left my 2 older sisters & I with our abusive father for a year so she could finish her degree (although in hindsight there was probably more to that). I was quite a bit younger and literally a runt because I didn’t get enough food. That year I did not grow, and I only remember school, sometimes staying at our grandparents on cots in their den, and visiting my mom once or twice – I do not remember any of my home life, which I didn’t even realize until going to therapy as an adult.

I always thought my middle sister was the “black sheep” because that’s what everyone said, especially my grandparents, who insisted she was neglected. However, I now realize that there was never anyone fighting for me, and as I grew up, my life path was quite separated from the rest of my family. Even though I am still close to my parents (who are still alive & together), I couldn’t be more alien from them. There are so many personality disorders peppered among them, and my mother (still is) codependent, which is almost like a personality disorder when it’s been present for so long. Meanwhile, I am a very analytical person, self-reflective type, although highly prone to depression & anxiety (just as mentioned in the article).

I have a full-blooded brother that was given up for adoption before I was born (my dad was still married to his first wife & my mother was only 19 while he was a Vietnam vet). As I have never met him in person and only been in text communication, I’ve come to realize that we are also different. I certainly don’t know him well him enough to really judge his personality, but there are little things that I can just tell that we are different. Sometimes I think it was the hardship & neglect that made me so different. But, I don’t necessarily see it as a bad thing, even though it was an adversity that presented many challenges (and still does).

Rick - October 18, 2023 Reply

I had an alcoholic father (whom I loved and admired, but the drinking got out of control at the end). I had an abusive Narcissistic mother (not officially diagnosed, but matches the description shared by many other bloggers). I had one older scapegoated brother who split at 17 just to get away from the madness. His life has been in perpetual turmoil. I have another drug abusing former golden brother who died last year in a mental hospital. And another younger new replacement golden backstabbing brother, who was a lifelong parasite, but could do no wrong in mommy’s eyes. Yet I was the Identified Patient Black Sheep.
I was lucky enough to retire from police work, thanks to outsiders. I crunched some numbers based on data I got online, and I concluded that In all of the states combined , there might be 11 police officers total that have an identical family. And throughout school, I had one of the most screwed up families, which accounts for much of my problematic childhood. I acknowledge that I was very lucky later in life, but how I wish that I had someone to call family. So, thanks for allowing me to rant. I at least can relate to others here.

Matilda - October 17, 2023 Reply

My family has always treated me as the outsider. My older sister has abused me since I can remember. She has done mental issues and was also treated badly in my family. When my mother died my aunt told me how my father used to ask her why she talked to me. My father instigated this my entire life and I only learned how bad it truly was after my mother and father both passed. My parents had 6 kids. They each picked a favorite child. Causing terrible sibling rivalry. I am the one that finished college and got a great job. I believe this mad them hate me more. It is now at the point I only speak to my one sister. Not sure what else to do. It is a shame. It does hurt but the best thing that I did was finally walk away.

MartyFan - August 28, 2023 Reply

Yes! I think we should look into this issue of having a black sheep in our family.

Disappointed - August 24, 2023 Reply

I’m middle child of five children, I was always the black sheep of the family, I was the bright child with higher understanding, my father had alcohol problem. My mother was weak and terrified of my father and her family were scared of my father that’s why they never supported us..I was abused from my older sister, she had a temper and the first 4 are close by age and the fifth child came 15 years later! I was the hard working sister made good money and took care of them! And that became like a duty! I was always more successful. I left my hometown to get married and moved to another country! I’m the only one almost always calls them, go to visit and at the end they are always unhappy with something

    RAS - September 18, 2023 Reply

    Leave them in the dust! You will feel SO much better! It won’t happen immediately but when you suddenly find yourself having fun on holidays, looking forward to getting together with friends, etc, it will suddenly come to you: you love having the freedom to go and do what you want without the angst these anchors put you through! And they ARE anchors, weighing you down, putting you down and mocking you. Once you are free of these freeloading losers, you will find yourself looking forward to new things and exploring ways you can grow without being mocked or bullied! I know. My two sisters are narcissistic bullies. I hadn’t thought of them for years until I just saw something on line. Apparently the losers are putting together a family reunion. As near as I can tell, it has been an annual event. Though I would not mind seeing some cousins, based on an event a few years ago, I know the two I will call Dewillza and Anastasia have thoroughly brainwashed the family into their psycho world. When you are not there to defend yourself, who knows what psychos say behind your back? I was intrigued by the title of this article. I knew I would find others similarly bullied and tormented by siblings. I saw your dilemma and I just have to say-hold your head up! Don’t let these monkeys bring you down. Life is sweeter when you can wake up every day, not having to fit the mold that bullies create for you. Rather, break the mold and flourish! You will never regret it. I am almost 70 years old. I lost my son when he was 17 years old. My sisters were awful at his funeral. My father was even worse. I will NEVER allow them the opportunity to make me sad or anxious again.

Matthew - August 20, 2023 Reply

My family treats me like trash. I wish I never knew any of them because they are terrible human beings. Mean spirited and always bringing me down. They are bad people

AJ - July 30, 2023 Reply

my father doesn’t seem to like me as his daughter. i think he wants a son back then but unfortunately i became a daughter. every time he see’s a boy he was very happy but when he talks to me its seems like no happy world in his life. he even dare the situation of what if I was the one got bitten by my own cat. it seems like he wants me to die at a young age.. i want to get out in the said comfort zone. i thought family matters, i thought family is my comfort zone but i was wrong.

    Colette - August 1, 2023 Reply

    Sorry they hurt you, I can relate. We’re better off without them. Now learning about CPTSD from early childhood neglect. EMDR has been helpful.

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